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Learn Python Ethical From Scratch

Learn Python Ethical From Scratch

Regular price $63.80 USD
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Learn Python - Ethical From Scratch
1. Introduction
1.1. What is Python?
1.2. Importance of Learning Python
1.3. Ethics in Python Programming
2. Getting Started with Python
2.1. Installing Python
2.2. Setting up Development Environment
2.3. Python Syntax Basics
2.4. Variables and Data Types
3. Python Fundamentals
3.1. Control Flow Statements
3.2. Functions and Modules
3.3. File Handling in Python
3.4. Exception Handling
3.5. Object-Oriented Programming in Python
4. Ethical Considerations in Python Programming
4.1. Understanding Ethical Hacking
4.2. Ethical Guidelines for Python Programmers
4.3. Security Best Practices in Python
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